It's that time of year again! The Lethbridge Home and Garden Show is now in full swing and it has been a busy week! Last weekend, Clayton and his crew began construction of the Earthlings exhibit. Below you can see a few pictures taken during the process. You'll see a photo of Clay and part of the concrete waterfall that he designed and constructed himself. Yup, we have a running waterfall at the exhibit, because we're cool like that. Hahaha! Getting the exhibit built is a lot of work, but we enjoy the experience every year, as it gives us an opportunity to share our ideas with the community.
The next few photos are of the finished product. We are very happy with the end result. Anyone who wants to can stop by and say hi! The show ends on Saturday at 5:00, and runs noon to 9:00pm today and tomorrow. Check out the Exhibition Park
website for more info on the Home and Garden Show. We hope to see you there!
Also, as an added plus, you can check out the video on the side bar ---->
Global News did a special on the HGS, and I was fortunate enough to be interviewed!
Happy Gardening!
Nice work guys - it looked amazing!
Kirsten and Clayton, your exhibit looks awesome. You always had a knack for putting things in the right place, even as a child.
This is so beautiful. It's worth a trip down to see the real thing!! Congratulations on such a great project. Can we move it to my backyard next week??!!
Holy stinking cow. You guys are amazing!
Thanks everyone! I have lost my voice a little but now it's back to getting our season growing...... Deb, I think it would fit :)
wow! you guys are very talented. I would hire you for sure!!! We all here love it!
I forgot to tell you that Sean and I took a trip down to specifically see your display and it was really wonderful!!
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