Although we watered up things pretty good before freeze-up, because it has really been above freezing for about 2weeks straight, we have been out checking on landscapes to see how things are looking and have decided to put the water on things.
I have been watering any newly planted sod because it is so shallow rooted and it needs to have reserves to green up in the spring!

don’t have much to draw from!

Here are some quick tips
for watering in the winter:
- check the soil around roots to see if it is dry
- water when the ground is not frozen for a prolonged period and there is no snow( it will absorb into the soil and roots)
- the temperature should be at least +4ºC (mid day is best)
- if the warm dry weather continues to persist water about twice monthly
- spruce, cedars, sod, and shallow rooted herbaceous perennials will benefit most from watering
- most roots in deciduous trees can be equal or more to its height in spread but try to water the critical part of the roots system in trees. This is the drip zone (the area below the outermost part of the branch to the trunk)
- don’t water sod too much that a layer of ice forms, because this will suffocate it.

Rarely have I had to pull out the hose or water buckets during the winter
but so far this winter I have no doubt whatever I can give they’ll take!
Is it too early to say I’m looking forward to spring?
Happy Gardening!